Professional Summary
Versatile communication and marketing professional with more than 10 years of experience in higher education who sees the big picture and pays attention to the details. Strategic thinker with comprehensive skill set that navigates smoothly across print and digital media and that adapts smartly to various audiences. Conscientious reader, writer, editor, researcher, interviewer, and storyteller who produces and delivers compelling content.
Professional Summary
Versatile communication and marketing professional with more than 10 years of experience in higher education who sees the big picture and pays attention to the details. Strategic thinker with comprehensive skill set that navigates smoothly across print and digital media and that adapts smartly to various audiences. Conscientious reader, writer, editor, researcher, interviewer, and storyteller who produces and delivers compelling content.
Professional Qualifications
Director of Marketing & Communication
Director of Content Strategy and Senior Staff Writer
Senior Development Writer, University Development
Assistant Editor, Leadership Education at Duke Divinity’s Faith & Leadership magazine
Associate Editor/Assistant Editor, NC State Alumni Association
Staff Writer, NC State News Services
Editorial Assistant, UNC Research’s Office of Information & Communication
Director of Marketing & Communication
- Oversee and lead the college's marketing and communication efforts, including developing and implementing marketing and communication strategies that align with the college's strategic priorities.
- Translate the college's resources and expertise into compelling and relevant messages that are disseminated to audiences across platforms.
- Serve as the college's chief brand expert and provide leadership on brand identity.
- Lead efforts to position the college as the leading college of education in North Carolina to key stakeholders
- Serve as the dean's primary ghostwriter, including creating presentations and speech writing.
- Oversee the generation of all content, both print and digital content, that engages targeted audiences and leads to measurable action.
- Work with college representatives to ensure the college's key messages are communicated with key stakeholders.
- Write and distribute media releases and manage media contacts that raise awareness about the college's activities.
Director of Content Strategy and Senior Staff Writer
- Lead content writer
- Collaborate with university leaders and other stakeholders to define the university's brand, interpret the university’s mission, and develop and implement a comprehensive communication and marketing plan
- Lead writer and producer of marketing messaging materials as relates to branding efforts and developing the voice of Campbell
- Lead content writer for advertising campaigns, Campbell.edu, press releases, case studies, reports, correspondences, and other content marketing materials for university-wide initiatives and priorities
- Optimize messaging and the voice of Campbell based on research, feedback, testing, and best practices
- Campaign communications manager
- Leads, creates, and implements marketing and communication plans that increase awareness and participation in Campbell’s multi-year comprehensive campaigns
- Researches, writes and edits key campaign and development-related marketing materials, including campaign case statements, solicitation and stewardship letters, email campaigns, newsletters, advertisements, brochures, flyers, direct mail pieces, invitations, website content, fact sheets, and talking points for senior members of the administration
- Works with web and visual identity staff to schedule and produce development and campaign-related materials including, but not limited to, case statements, advertisements, brochures, campaign newsletters, and microsites
- Serves as communication and marketing liaison for the campaign and advancement offices, including serving as point of contact for outside vendors, and point of contact for schools and colleges
- Develops public relations and personalized media outreach strategies designed to promote campaign successes and distribute campaign-related news releases, tip sheets, and media advisories to the news media
- Leads social and multimedia campaigns designed to raise brand awareness and to steward, promote, and generate donor gifts
- Contributes story ideas, conducts interviews, and writes alumni/donor profiles and campaign-related articles for publications and Campbell.edu
- Digital content strategist
- Lead the content development for digital projects related to university initiatives and priorities, including for Campbell.edu, microsites, videos, social media, emails, e-newsletters, and ads
- Partner with director of web design to lead the redesign of the university's website, Campbell.edu
- Oversee the university's main social media accounts and develop and implement social media campaigns that foster engagement and build awareness
- Oversee development, production, and review of top-level and high-priority marketing and editorial content that lives on Campbell.edu
Senior Development Writer, University Development
- Provide strategic input into the development of marketing and communication plans for annual and multi-year fund-raising campaigns, including the $3.25 billion Duke Forward campaign
- Work with senior academic leaders to communicate their vision and priorities to a donor audience
- Define and describe $100,000 to $50 million giving opportunities that support Duke’s priorities
- Write the case for support for a variety of complex university initiatives and school-specific priorities
- Oversee the production and publication of annual reports to key donors
- Write news releases, newsletters, articles, and other content to promote giving and the impact of gifts
Assistant Editor, Leadership Education at Duke Divinity’s Faith & Leadership magazine
- Plan, assign, write, and edit content for Faith & Leadership digital magazine
- Manage the workflow of freelance writers, photographers, and other editors
- Collaborate with web designer and videographer on content development
Associate Editor/Assistant Editor, NC State Alumni Association
- Plan, assign, write, and edit content for the NC State alumni magazine
- Manage the workflow of freelance writers, student interns, and other editors
- Co-manage the organization’s blog and social media tools
Staff Writer, NC State News Services
- Assist in the execution of the university-wide media and external relations efforts
- Respond to media requests for information related to NC State
- Write and edit content for NC State’s main website, faculty/staff newspaper, and special projects
Editorial Assistant, UNC Research’s Office of Information & Communication
- Plan, write, and edit content for the university research magazine and research support newsletter
- Draft correspondence related to the university’s research and creative activities on behalf of administrators
- Track media placement of stories related to faculty and student research
Certificate in Entrepreneurship
Wake Technical Community College (2016)
Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction
North Carolina State University (2003) | GPA: 3.994
Bachelor of Arts in Communication | Minor in Journalism
North Carolina State University (2001) | Summa cum laude
Certificate in Entrepreneurship
Wake Technical Community College (2016)
Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction
North Carolina State University (2003) | GPA: 3.994
Bachelor of Arts in Communication | Minor in Journalism
North Carolina State University (2001) | Summa cum laude
Honors, Awards, and Recognitions
- Award for Excellence, Social Media Strategy & Execution, CASE District III (2017)
- Special Merit, Writing for the Web, CASE District III (2016)
- Bronze medal, Best Use of Social Media, CASE Circle of Excellence (2015)
- Merit Award, Electronic & Digital Media/Social Media Strategy & Execution, CASE District III (2014)
- 2 Merit Awards, Writing for the Web, CASE District III (2014)
- Gold medal, Best Interview or Profile/Print Magazine, Mangum Opus Awards (2010)
- Award of Excellence, Best Feature Articles of the Year, CASE District III (2010)
- Special Recognition, Best Feature Articles of the Year, CASE District III (2010)
- Award of Excellence, Feature Writing, APEX Awards for Publication Excellence (2010)
- Nominee, University Awards for Excellence, North Carolina State University (2010)
- Bronze medal, Best Articles of the Year: Higher Education, CASE Circle of Excellence (2009)
- Award of Excellence, Interviews & Personal Profiles, APEX Awards for Publication Excellence (2009)
- Outstanding Graduate, Department of Communication, North Carolina State University (2001)
- Excellence in Honors Thesis, Department of Communication, North Carolina State University (2001)
- Special Merit Award in Platinum Category, Best Practices in Communications and Marketing, CASE District III (2017)
- Platinum Grand Award, Best Practices in Alumni Relations Platinum, CASE District III (2017)
- Award of Excellence, Writing for Publication, CASE District III (2014)
- Merit Award, Writing for Publication, CASE District III (2014)
- Bronze medal, College and University General Interest Magazines, CASE Circle of Excellence (2010)
- Special Recognition, Print Magazine-External Audience Grand Award, Magnum Opus Awards (2009)
- Silver medal, Best All Around Alumni Publication, Mangum Opus Awards (2008)
- Gold medal, Special Constituency/Research Magazines, CASE Circle of Excellence (2006)
- Gold medal, Periodical Staff Writing for External Audiences, CASE Circle of Excellence (2006)
Volunteer Activities
- Member of The Raleigh News & Observer Reader Panel
- Volunteer Driver with Harnett County Division of Aging
- Big Sister with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Wake County
- Elections Official with Wake County Board of Elections